In this interview, I had the great joy of talking with a good friend, Shaylie Brammer. She's a former Praise YTH intern, member of Praise Church, full-time nanny, and an absolute joy to be around. Shaylie and I had so much fun just getting a chance to connect and talk about some fun things and some real things. I hope the experience is as enriching to you as it was to me. Ethan: You've worked a lot with Praise, and by extension, Praise YTH. I have too. As you look back on your experiences whether they be as a student, intern, or bystander, what are some of the watershed moments for you in that moment of retrospect? Shaylie: Hmm, that's a good question. I've been in Praise YTH since I was in 9th grade. My Junior Year at Winter Retreat is one I remember. During Small Group time, a friend of mine and I were talking. She and I had just been going through the motions of church. We were attending, but not super involved. Then she asks me, "Shaylie, why are you here? Wher...