Chris Boaz - Interview

In this interview, I got to speak with Chris Boaz. Odds are you've seen him in some sort of musical capacity around Southeast Texas. From various local bands throughout the years as well as a heavily contributing volunteer in Praise Church's music team. Anytime I see Chris, he's always working on something new musically. When we got to hang out and talk, most of our conversation was centered on music, but it never became stale. I think this is because Chris is so talented and dedicated that his ministry/interests could never become boring. I hope you enjoy the conversation we had. 

What’s one thing you think worship teams focus on too much and what’s one thing they don’t focus on enough? 

Ok, too much, I would say being too prepared. Obviously, know the songs, but I’ve never really been a fan of the whole “plan everything to the exact letter” thing. I get why people do that, I’ve just never personally been a fan. Like, we know the songs, just let whatever happens happen. So yeah, over-preparing. Then not enough, actually in that same vane, just letting a moment happen. I feel like we should get better about that. Kinda like what we (Praise) did at camp when Aaron (Long) did that spontaneous moment. That was the coolest thing I’ve been a part of. I think one thing worship teams don’t focus on enough is letting moments like that happen.

There is a lot of discourse between worship leaders about the purpose of high production value versus just 1 person with an acoustic guitar and every variation between, do you see an inherent value in the environment you lead in? 

That’s cool, that’s a good question. When we’re writing, it comes down to this: can the song still be a good worship song even if it’s one person with an acoustic. There’s value in both, but—and I hate saying this—I think high production value can draw more people in, people that normally wouldn’t be drawn in. Maybe it’s different for me, because I grew up in a church that wasn’t very high production value. I don’t think it makes the worship any better, but it does add some flair. Also, it’s really cool, man. Our hearts are still there regardless of the environment, so why not use the stuff God’s blessed us with?

So I know you’ve played with Praise Church quite a lot, and you mentioned Aaron’s “Only You Can Save Us” from Camp; is there another Winter Retreat/Summer Camp story that stands out in your memory? 

Getting to do a guitar solo for the Star-Spangled Banner, that was super fun. The one I’ll never forget, however, is getting to do a Ministry Moment for High School Camp in 2019. I just got to share my heart for a little bit. I got to share about being in a really tough place and how that led up to that summer. Sobbing in front of high schoolers, fun.

Would your high school self see you now as successful? 

Wow, that’s deep. I had the rockstar dream when I was in high school. I do remember thinking, “I just wanna play music, whatever I do” and that’s what I’m doing. Maybe I’m not as successful as I thought I would be, but I’m doing what I love. I consider myself very lucky.

So in your musical ventures, you’ve been playing shows in bands for well over 8 years, everything from covering “Dear Maria, Count Me In” at your high school to publishing original songs with bands like “Burn Out Brighter” and “Take This To Heart”, is there a particular positive onstage story that stands out? 

That’s hard, there’s been a lot. I did get to play onstage with All Time Low once. One of my old bands, “Burn Out Brighter” we got to play at that High School Talent show that myself and a different band played “Dear Maria” in that you mentioned. We got to be the special guests for the talent show, super fun. 

So I know you love a lot of bands, but now you have to choose, I’m gonna give you a couple of pairs of bands, you need to choose the one you like more.

  1. All Time Low or Fall Out Boy All Time Low, no question. Though, Fall Out Boy’s “Take This To Your Grave” is my 3rd favorite record of all time, I like All Time Low more overall.
  2. As I Lay Dying or Killswitch Engage Oh, dude! I’m gonna go Killswitch, cuz they definitely influenced me more. As I Lay Dying’s new record is so good though…
  3. Fit for a King or Silent Planet Fit for a King, sorry. I know you love Silent Planet, and I do too, but Fit for a King. 
  4. Nickelback or The Correct Answer Haha, Nickelback, dude. They’re good, fight me. 
  5. The band CAMINO or The 1975 Oh my gosh. I’ve gotta go 1975, cuz I have their logo tattooed on my wrist for the rest of my life, but GOSH the band CAMINO is so good. That being said… The 1975.
  6. Hillsong or Elevation If we’re talking Hillsong UNITED, I’ll go UNITED, but if we’re comparing Elevation with Hillsong Worship, I’ll go Elevation. 

You mentioned the 1975 tattoo, and that makes me think of this: You’ve got a lot of other ink as well, which can be easily seen. Is there a tattoo you’ve always wanted that you haven’t gotten quite yet? 

Yes, on my calf, I’m gonna get the house that I grew up in. It’s gonna be like American Traditional, kinda. I want it to be a really big calf piece. I don’t know if I want a heart around it or not, but it’s gonna say “Home is where my mama is” that’s the next big one I’m gonna get. 

Do you believe that the music someone listens to says anything about them? 

To an extent. Maybe it could show where they grew up or core personality traits. I think it can reflect someone’s emotions. I don’t think it’s as big of a deal as people make it out to be.

What do you think it says about the people who listen to your music? 

Oh shoot. That’s really hard. When it comes to most of the bands I’ve been a part of, I would say people who listen to us probably have a life that says, “Yeah, life can suck sometimes, but we’ll persevere”

Throughout your career have you noticed any consistent mistakes or sloppy behaviors a lot of bands seem to commit? 

Miscommunication, 100%. With something as simple as practice days. Agree on a day and agree you’re gonna practice then. Also with disagreements, if you feel like you’re not being heard, don’t just wallow in that, let somebody know. More often than not, people will not get mad at you. I’ve seen SOOO many bands fall by the wayside because they didn’t communicate. Also, get better at social media. 

You’re often touted as one of the best musicians some people have ever met, and I know you will probably reflex disagree with that, 

I was doing my best to not disagree out loud, haha. 

but I’m curious: when did you first realized that you had leveled up from casual to accomplished musician? 

I started on acoustic, moved over to bass and I was ok, I guess. But then I went back to guitar. I remember sitting on my bed trying to learn “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz. I learned that little lead line, and I started playing the barre chords to it. I remember thinking, “Whoa! I can play anything now!” That’s when I noticed the switch flipping. 

So you’re very open with your love of punk rock with bands like Blink-182, All Time Low, and Fall Out Boy at the forefront of several of your playlists, do you think other genres of music could benefit from the “no filter” attitude a lot of punk bands have? 

Oh, wow. Honestly, a lot of music, besides some pop, has that attitude anyway. Even if it’s not at the forefront like it is with punk. Listen to Hip-Hop acts like NWA with songs like “F the Police”. I think a lot of genres already have that attitude, they’re just not generally associated with it in the way punk is. I don’t know if there’s a genre that doesn’t have that attitude that would benefit from it. I’m a firm believer in the sort of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” philosophy when it comes to genres—they exist for a reason. I mean, I’m all for pushing boundaries, but I don’t know if I think that attitude needs to be everywhere.

What’s an underrated band that a lot of people have probably missed out on? 

At the moment, I’ve been jamming a whole lot of this band called “Bearings”, they have an EP, album and a few singles… ACTUALLY I take that back, Cartel. Y’all are sleeping on Cartel. I don’t think they do anything anymore, but they’re Self-Titled record, so good. 

So during your time with the Creative team and other background parts of ministry, is there anything you learned from the Behind the Scenes part of church leadership? 

How much goes into it, man. It’s not just a single rehearsal and then we’re ready. There’s a ton of planning, sometimes down to the minute. There’s also a lot of thought in each production element. Like, what color of lights most closely reflects the mood this song is trying to evoke? Do the stories that these songs are telling coincide with the preacher’s message for that day? It’s not just lackadaisical. 

Do you think there’s a genre of music that contemporary worship music could take some notes from? 

Hmm, Indie-pop maybe. It’s already pretty similar to that, but I think going a little deeper into that would benefit CCM a bit more. I wanna say like pop-punk, but I don’t think that would work, hahaha. 

I know you also play Dungeons & Dragons, is there any kind of empathy learned from embodying a character that you play or do you see it as just a game? 

It’s a very fun game. That’s hard. It’s been crazy, I feel so bad for some of the other guys’ characters in the campaign you run. Even though they literally don’t exist. Even my character, I made up this father figure/mentor character for him, and that mentor ended up being the main villain of the campaign, or so I think so far, cuz the campaign isn’t done. I felt so bad for everyone, cuz I made this backstory character and he ends up being so evil. I somehow feel like it’s my fault, even though its 100% YOUR fault, cuz you wrote the story, Ethan!

I know alongside your prolific music career, you’re also a pretty experienced gamer, is there a game whose original music you particularly like? 

Ooh, Animal Crossing, for sure. There’s also this PS2 game called “Xenosaga” and the music sounds so cool and atmospheric. I remember really digging that. Also, Super Mario Sunshine. Love that game’s music.

What is one thing you want people to know about you? 

If I can make a career out of doing what I love, then anyone can. Keep pushing through, don’t settle. Do what you love, love what you do, don’t hate your life.


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