Honza Interviews - My Interview Philosophy

Hello, my name is Ethan Honza. If you're reading this, chances are that you know me or one of the amazing people I've gotten the chance to interview. This interview blog was started as a personal project of mine inspired by many different pieces of media. My interviewing style takes great inspiration from First We Feast's "Hot Ones", CBS News' "60 Minutes", Critical Role's "Between the Sheets", and Smosh's "SmoshCast". This project began after a good friend of mine, Dylan Newton, interviewed Rachel Honza (my sister) about her song "more time" which had released around that time. I saw that interview and discovered that I had always wanted to interview some of my closest friends, but had never done it. So, I decided to do just that. My interviewing philosophy is to ask 3 types of questions:
1) questions I don't know the answers to - these are subjective to myself and my experience with whomever I happen to be interviewing.
2) questions that will lead to a deeper understanding of my friends - This usually comes from a surface-level understanding that begs the question for a deeper insight.
3) questions that nay not fit in a social format - I love to ask deep questions that encourage my subjects to really consider things at length, that level of reflection may not always work in a lax, social environment, so I try to cultivate a space where those thoughts can be more easily accessed.
After recording 1 or 2 of them, I decided that I would put them online in case anyone else was interested in what they had to say. I truly hope you gain some insight from the answers my friends give. Please enjoy whatever you choose to read. New interviews will be posted every other Monday at 1pm.
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