Chris Boaz - Interview

In this interview, I got to speak with Chris Boaz. Odds are you've seen him in some sort of musical capacity around Southeast Texas. From various local bands throughout the years as well as a heavily contributing volunteer in Praise Church's music team. Anytime I see Chris, he's always working on something new musically. When we got to hang out and talk, most of our conversation was centered on music, but it never became stale. I think this is because Chris is so talented and dedicated that his ministry/interests could never become boring. I hope you enjoy the conversation we had. What’s one thing you think worship teams focus on too much and what’s one thing they don’t focus on enough? Ok, too much, I would say being too prepared. Obviously, know the songs, but I’ve never really been a fan of the whole “plan everything to the exact letter” thing. I get why people do that, I’ve just never personally been a fan. Like, we know the songs, just let whatever happens happen. S...